Semiotics used in Visual advert
Semiotics in a way is age old representation of matter just through actions rather than words.
Conveying a message through symbols was the first the first step in language in all civilization. Such
is the significance of action, are to be more precise symbolism.
Here is a television commercial as an example to convey a subject through the matter of Semiotics –
Royal Enfield Ad:
In this television commercial – the caption used to describe the advert is “ leave home”
Symbolic representation used is “placenta”.
As by breaking the caption “Leave Home”
Visual Reference in Motion Picture:-
Royal En-field Television Advert link (motion picture):-
A Mom suffers a lot in Pregnancy. |
A new baby boy born for her. |
The born baby boy is showed with placenta. Placenta is an organic tube connected with mother and child. |
When a new baby born's, its obvious of cutting the placenta. But here she refuse to cut the tube. |
Doctors and nurse gets shock on her interpretation. |
Her gestures on refusing. |
Next few shots are explained as they both are been connected by the placenta tube. |
Even she go with the boy even in classroom. |
She goes with him to toilet. |
Joins with him in Football Match. |
The boy will be grown up.But still they both are connected. |
When he gets matured (adult) and mom looks old with an umberlla. |
They both stop walking in a place where royal enfield as been show cased in the glass window. |
Boy gets attracted with the bike.Mom will be noticing his son's change. |
He changes his look with guts feeling - without any emotions to his mom. |
He moves without mother first time. |
He is very happy in his journey with En field. |
As End caption : Leave home |
Placenta is used as semiotic element of relationship.
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